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Found 57904 results for any of the keywords ip ratings. Time 0.063 seconds.
IP Ratings for Enclosures (IEC60529) - AllbroIEC 60529 is an international standard that was created for the purpose of clarifying the capability of an enclosure to protect the contents from solid and liquid bodies.
IK Ratings for Enclosures (IEC62262) - AllbroIEC 62262 is an international standard that was created for the purpose of clarifying the capability of an enclosure to protect the contents from force.
Next PhoneIn today s fast-paced world of mobile technology, smartphone processors play a crucial role in determining the performance and capabilities of our devices. Whether you re looking for the latest mobile or considering a ne
Red LED Strip Lights | LED TechnologiesShop our selection of professional Red LED strip lights, Available in a range of IP ratings and voltages. Next day delivery.
Single Colour LED Strip | LED TechnologiesShop our selection of single colour LED strip lights, available in a range of voltages and IP ratings. Next day delivery available.
Susceptibility Testing | Ingress protection testing | Envitest LaboratEnvitest Lab provides Susceptibility and Contamination Testing for hydraulic fluid contamination, lube oil testing. Envitest is the best hydraulic oil testing lab
International Electrotechnical CommissionIEC everywhere for a safer and more efficient world. The IEC is a global, not-for-profit membership organization that brings together more than 170 countries and coordinates the work of 20,000 experts globally.
Lumascape | LumascapeLumascape is a leading global LED lighting manufacturer, having transformed buildings, bridges and monuments across the globe.
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Lumascape | LumascapeLumascape is a leading global LED lighting manufacturer, having transformed buildings, bridges and monuments across the globe.
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